Justin Brooks

Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies Participant Reflection, Justin Brooks, Director of the Christian Brothers University Center for Community Engagement

June 26th - July 9th
Manhattan College, Bronx, NY

June 26th, 2022, I arrived in New York still one transit train and a long subway ride away from my  destination of Manhattan College, this year’s host for the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies. I had no  idea what I was getting myself into, and despite the positive affirmations from both family and  colleagues alike, I was admittedly nervous. After showing up to campus, I beheld a mountain of stairs  without an elevator in sight. My mind at that point had whispered softly to myself, “it’s going to be a  long trip.” However, as I climbed the stairs and settled into my room, one by one, I started meeting  people from around the world... and even with our great differences in culture, religion, and  geographical location, it was the one of the most inclusive environments I have ever been in, both  professionally and personally.  

The days went on and I learned so much about St. John Baptist De La Salle in the company of my  peers. We talked about his story and how relatable so many aspects were to modern day, despite taking  place in 17th Century France. He was ridiculed for wanting to do something different, yet great.  However, despite the obstacles he faced (desertion, injury and sickness, and a slew of ‘petty’ politics),  he focused on the “why” and through this, he succeeded in forming a brotherhood and standard that is  now worldwide. His “why” was his dedication to the mission; a mission that God had given to him and  that He walked with the founder through each and every day. This gave me great comfort and reflection  into my own life and at that point, what I was doing right there in the middle of the Bronx (NY).  

I was a bit exhausted from the “day to day” before attending Buttimer, and it felt like for a  moment, that so much was against me in wanting to incorporate a more communitive and collaborative  future. Yet here I was among new friends, people of like mind and mission, learning and exchanging  knowledge, praying with and for each other, and encouraging each other to continue forth the idea that  “with knowledge comes opportunity.” It was during these moments throughout those two weeks, I  remembered my “why,” and just like the Founder, that God is with me each and every day.  

I returned to Memphis (TN) joyful, inspired, and at peace. I met people who I will be connected  to for life, and I had a wonderful time through it all. However, if I had to leave you with one thing, it  would be this paraphrasing Isaiah 41:10, “be not dismayed, for I am with you, and I will uphold you with  my righteous hand.” Let us remember when things are good or bad, that this Lasallian family is with you,  and that we will forever be in the presence of God.  

St. John Baptist De La Salle (pray for us) 

With Jesus in our hearts (forever)….


Melissa Dan